
Scene at Cooperstown, New York
The town itself is certainly attractive, with its large shade trees and broad street, nestled in the mountains. But the prominence of the carriages in the composition suggest that they may be the real subjects of this photograph. Perhaps there is a connection to the building in the right foreground; its sign reads “HARNESS MAKER.”
This carte de visite bears the imprint of Washington G. Smith, who is listed in business directories and other sources as a daguerreotypist and photographer in Cooperstown from 1853 to 1860 and later.
Click here for a closer look at the carriage in the center of the photograph
< P R E V I O U S I M A G E N E X T I M A G E > SMALL WORLDS: The Art of the Carte de Visite
Copyright ©2000 The American Photography Museum, Inc.