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A Photomontage by Scott Mutter — “The Fountain of Time” – Surrational Images

A Photomontage by Scott Mutter — “The Fountain of Time” – Surrational Images

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Scott Mutter: A More Perfect World


The sculpture used in this photomontage is Lorado Taft’s Fountain of Time, located on the campus of the University of Chicago. Among the interpretations Scott Mutter offers for this image is his interest in what transpires behind the windows of the office buildings:

I do know that these structures are filled with people working, socializing, being tired, being happy, looking forward to the weekend, hoping for a promotion or a raise, fearing termination, competing and cooperating with each other, forming friendships, making enemies, joining forces. I know that their personal concerns — their worries, their hopes, their loves — are not left at home. Their offices and desks, cluttered with the trappings of the workday, are adorned with personal items, with pictures of their spouses, their children, their lovers, their pets. The need for self-expression leads them to explode from their working environment with the cry, “We are human.”

–Scott Mutter, Surrational Images

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