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Scott Mutter: A More Perfect World — Online Exhibit from the American Museum of Photography

Scott Mutter: A More Perfect World — Online Exhibit from the American Museum of Photography



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Scott Mutter: A More Perfect World


In his book Surrational Images, Scott Mutter’s commentary on this photomontage is uncharacteristically terse: “I prefer to remain silent about this image.” In discussing the matter recently, however, Scott pointed out that it’s impossible to see what is on the other side of the revolving door. We wonder: is that a beacon of light coming from the other side — or just a reflection of where we have been?

By keeping his thoughts about this image private, Mutter is empowering the viewer. To search for meaning in an image such as this, each of us must look inward, seeking answers in our own beliefs and ideas. And when we find those answers, we usually find more questions.

That just seems to be the way things work in Scott Mutter’s More Perfect World.


Click for purchase info: Artist-Signed Poster Print Scott Mutter’s Book, Surrational Images

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Surrational Images® is a registered trademark of Scott Mutter.
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Image Copyright ©2001 Scott Mutter. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2001 The American Photography Museum, Inc.