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Photographic Fictions: How the Camera Learned to Lie – Book Announcement

Photographic Fictions: How the Camera Learned to Lie – Book Announcement

Photographic Fictions: How the Camera Learned to Lie is currently in preparation. A history of manipulated photography, this new book will present more than 100 illustrations of ingenious early trick photography, spirit (ghost) photographs, and “special effects”. Photographic Fictions explains techniques including double exposures, multiple exposures, photomontage and photocollage… and shows how these simple technical variations opened a world of creativity.

If you’d like to be notified when the book is published, please CLICK HERE and send us an email with your name and postal mail address and the heading “Photographic Fictions Book”. You’ll also receive a pre-publication discount.

There is no obligation to purchase and your contact information will be used for this purpose only.

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