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Selections from The American Museum of Photography (SM)

Selections from The American Museum of Photography (SM)



Charles F. Snow (1886-1964): Untitled (Landscape with Dead Tree)

Toned silver print, 3.25 x 4.25 inches

Snow operated a photography studio in Boulder, Colorado for 56 years. He studied with Pirie MacDonald and went on to win more than 600 awards for his work, which was exhibited in a dozen countries. Mr. Snow served as President of both the American Society of Photographers and the Photographers Association of America. He was a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain.

Despite these impressive credentials, Snow’s work is little known today. His reputation was built on portraiture, so information on his landscapes is especially difficult to find. This moody scene of a blasted tree is a small, intense gem of photography… and leaves us hungry for more.


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Thanks to Cassandra Volpe, Archives of the University of Colorado at Boulder, for research assistance.
Copyright © 2002 The American Photography Museum, Inc. All Rights Reserved.